Technology Reflection

This semester, we were able to learn how to use and incorporate different types of technology into our course.  We watched videos to see the Standards of Math Practice as well as the NCTM Process Standards in play, as well as presented a different feature on the SmartBoard we can utilize in our classroom.  We can also show our students videos from online that explain a concept.  I learned that we cannot rely simply on an audio video with the rules of a concept written out.  We need to either create our own videos showing visual manipulatives or find a video that includes them, because if students understand how to use a formula they can solve problems; but if students understand how to apply a concept to a question, they have an understanding of math.  One thing I was not aware of before was all the features it offered.  My knowledge of the SmartBoard and what it contained was limited before this class.  I was also not aware of the math applets/ apps.  That was an eye-opening project for me because there is such a bountiful amount of math apps for students to engage in and apply their knowledge on a topic/ concept.  I learned that some are better than others, and because they include visuals as manipulatives, they can help the students gain a deep understanding on how to apply a concept.  We can use manipulative tools online and each student can see them individually, or we can pull up an app on the SmartBoard and learn how to use them as a class, together.

Each type of technology has its advantages and disadvantages.  The advantage of videos is that it can provide an explanation from someone who might have a different perspective on solving a problem if it was created by another teacher.  The strength of showing videos you make to show your own class is that they can see exactly how you want to model it and they will not have to compare your work/ strategy to another teacher's.  Much of the technology on the SmartBoard can be interacted with and shown to the entire class at once, which is a strength of using it.  One of the biggest disadvantages I see with using the SmartBoard during class is that students cannot all use it at once; many times if there is a demonstration only one student can give their explanation at a time.
Each math applet/ app has its own advantages and disadvantages.  Many of the sources I came upon were outdated and ran slowly or had a lag.  Others in my group came across an app did not accept correct answers and gave a different answer as the "right" one.  If these are used, I realized I will have to be careful with what I present to my students and make sure I choose ones that are modern, easy to maneuver, and allow students to deepen their understanding of a concept when engaging in them.  If students use math apps correctly and apply their knowledge, they can go up a level in some apps and that is also a huge benefit because it can show the teacher how they are advancing within the concept.
All technologies we used in class have their own benefits and setbacks, but if we consider a variety and also give students options as to what technology they can use to deepen their understanding, they will be able to engage themselves in an activity that they choose themselves which will make them want to participate.


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