NCTM Journal: Supporting Students' Contributions to Class Discussions

Supporting Students' Contributions to Class Discussions
Jennifer Collett, Maryl Gearhart, & Nicole Levielle Buchanan

This article compared two teachers' styles of classroom discussion. Harris was more inclined to allow students to contribute more detailed pieces to conversation, but that did not allow many students to contribute. Bachman allowed more students during discussion time to talk because they contributed less information and less detail. In my future classroom, I will most likely use Bachman's style of teaching. Although it is important as a teacher to know the level of understanding students are at, it is more important they contribute and participate in classroom discussion in order to get a chance to contribute to deepen understanding.

The article emphasized whole-class discussion and SMP 3- contributing viable arguments and critique reasoning of others. It said you should give students as many possible opportunities to talk and contribute partial or complete understanding to classroom discussion. This does not have to be done only through whole class discussion. In my classroom, I will use more than just whole class discussion- I will include partner talk, group discussion, and individual contributions. Individual contributions do not have to be students sitting and thinking. An idea I have for that, which the article also touched on, is asking students questions and having them write on whiteboards and hold it up so the teacher can see the answer. This will encourage them to attempt problems during class time and explain their thinking on the spot.

Most importantly, the article said students are more likely to build an understanding when the teachers facilitate discussions with a wide variety of techniques. In the journal, they studied a LMR technique. LMR is Learning Mathematics through Representation. In this study, they found that the two things that mattered the most for gaining knowledge was the proportion of students who contributed new ideas and the number of facilitation techniques the teacher provided during discussion. Based on the statistics provided, I will be using different techniques in my classroom. There is no way that works for everyone so being able to collaborate on ideas will be beneficial to students and what they gain from lessons. Students who participate more had higher gains in the study and it makes sense to me to allow more students to participate in discussion and ask questions to get their minds thinking. The article said that whether or not students volunteer to share answers or present their work, they should have an opportunity to share. I think this is also important because they may be unsure or not confident in their answer; but if they share and get it correct they may be more inclined to participating as a whole in the classroom.

Collett, J., Gearhart, M., & Buchanan, N. (2018, January). Retrieved February 13, 2018, from


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