Video Analysis 3: Fraction Multiplication Situations
Instructional shifts She started on the rug talking about parts and wholes with the students. It was a relatively new topic, and the teacher asked the students to talk to one another about what they knew. Students responded and gave their reasoning for what they know about parts and wholes. Then, they looked at two different problems. One was looking for the whole and the other was looking for the part. She split them into groups of 2 and they got one sheet with many problems on them. She instructed them to decide if the whole or part was being looked for in the problem. After they finished categorizing each problem, she gave the students a sheet with different fractions on them. They were instructed to match the picture to the fraction. Formative Assessment She conducted a formative assessment first thing when she observed what students were saying to one another when they discussed what they know about wholes and parts of a fra...